Lecturer: Wolfgang Lück

Assistent: Dominik Kirstein

Time and Place: Mo 14:15-16:00 - Kleiner Hörsaal; We 8:15-10:00 - Zeichensaal

There are lecture notes for the course.

Registration for the exercise groups is possible until Friday 11.10.24, 20:00. To sign up, simply join one of the exercise groups on eCampus.


This lecture course is the fourth in a series of five lecture courses on (algebraic) topology. It essentially is an introduction to homotopy theory. We will cover the following topics:

  • Homotopy groups
  • Cofibrations and fibrations
  • Hurewicz theorem
  • Blakers-Massey excision theorem
  • Freudenthal suspension theorem
  • Whitehead theorem
  • Pontrjagin-Thom construction
  • Spectra

To follow the course, one needs to be familiar with the material covered in the previous three courses Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie (Summer 23), Topology 1 (Winter 23/24) and Topology 2 (Summer 24). No prior knowledge of homotopy groups is required.


We will not be following a specific book. There are many good sources, e.g.:

  • A. Hatcher: Algebraic Topology
  • T. tom Dieck: Algebraic Topology


There will be oral exams at the end of the course. The first round is scheduled for January 27 - February 7 and the second round for March 17 - March 21.


There will be weekly exercise sheets, which the students can submit teams of at most three. The solutions will partially be discussed in the tutorials. To be admitted to the final exam, students have to get at least 50% of possible points on the exercise sheets and sucessfully present the solution to one of the exercises in the tutorial.